Pirates Hijack Offshore Supply Vessel

Photo by Nicolas Gras/Unsplash
Photo by Nicolas Gras/Unsplash

Offshore Supply Vessel Gets Overrun by Pirates


Reports are coming in that on October 25 pirates were able to attack and board the Montet Tide a 2012-built offshore supply vessel that was located in the Gulf of Guinea on route to Malongo, Angola in Africa.

Officials believe it to be the same group of individuals who tried to attack the MSC Lucia earlier the same day but once Russian Navy vessels and helicopters were within distance, the gang left that specific attempt.

“We are assessing it as highly likely that the recent attack and possible kidnapping from the OSV Montet Tide was perpetuated by the same individuals,” stated security expert Dryad Global.

At this time, officials do believe that the pirates have left the Montet Tide as it now appears to be drifting in the waters.

Ships are being deploying to the area to investigate and warning all vessels in the area to be on guard of the latest attempts.

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