Germany sends frigate to the South China Sea

German Navy despatches frigate Bayern in support of multinational effort to redress Chinese expansionism in the South China Sea.
The German frigate Bayern has been ordered to deploy to the South China Sea in support of a multinational push to stymie Beijing’s efforts to expand China’s influence in the contested region.
The deployment will last seven months and will include a NATO exercise in the Mediterranean and an EUNAVOR anti-piracy mission off Somalia, before the ship heads further east, with port calls in Vietnam, South Korea, Japan and Australia.
“It’s good to talk about our values, but it’s even better to [show] it,” said German Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer in a statement.
“Today the frigate Bayern is heading towards the Indo-Pacific – a sign of stability, prosperity and a rule-based, multilateral order . . . Together with our valued partners in the region, Germany is showing [its] presence in the Indo-Pacific and sets an example of solidarity.”