Two mariners in intensive care after outbreak on Socar tanker

12 crew members have tested positive for Covid-19 aboard a Socar product tanker at Port-la-Nouvelle in France.
Two crew mariners are in intensive care in France after falling ill aboard the Azeri-flagged 14,400-dwt FMT Bergama.
The vessel, operated by the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (Socar), has been in quarantine since 8th May after 12 seafarers tested positive at Port-la Nouvelle.
The vessel arrived from Terneuzen in the Netherlands after the master had notified authorities of possible cases of Covid-19 while off the French coast.
Four mariners have been hospitalised in total and the Aude prefecture and the Occitanie regional Health Agency said in press release that “all 18 members on board were tested for Covid-19 by a team from the Narbonne hospital centre”.