Two important events at the same time – WMTC & DMF

World Maritime Technology Conference and Danish Maritime Fair is taking place in Tivoli Congress Center in Copenhagen from 26 through to 28 of April 2022.
WMTC-conference is organized by Skibsteknisk Selskabs Fond in corporation with the cluster organization MARLOG is gathering the worlds leading maritime companies, organizations, and scientists.
Maritime & Logistics Innovation Denmark (MARLOG) has been asked by Skifsteknisk Selskabs Fond to arrange and manage the conference in 2022, and a Local organization committee (LoC) has been formed.
Danish Maritime Fair is a part of the total arrangement and is an exhibition window, showing what the Danish and other maritime companies have to offer the shipping industry.
Henrik O. Madsen chairman at the LoC:
“Every third year we hold a world conference. Last time it was held was in China I 2018. At this conference we had approximately 1.000 participants. The conference was supposed to be held in 2021 here in Copenhagen. However, Corona deemed it necessary to postpone the conference, it will now take place from 26 till 28 of April this year. Denmark is now an open country, but unfortunately travel restrictions are still in place in other parts of the world. So, this year we might expect a slightly lower number of participants. We know that the Chinese participants will attend via online media. Looking at the program, we can expect to experience some exiting topics. The focus is on sustainability, digitalization, and security, however, these are major topics, where development is moving rapidly. We have had the luck, that DMF have had to move their fair too, and we have managed to have both events, at the same time and place. That means that the participants in the conference can see what is already available in form of technology solutions.”