Danes and Swedes draw a step closer together

First feasibility study of proposal to build two undersea tunnels between Sweden and Denmark has been submitted to government.
By Marc Allen, Maritime Direct UK.
For the last three years, Sweden’s Transport Authority, Trafikverket, and Denmark’s corresponding, Vejdirektoratet och Transport-, Bygge- og Boligstyrelsen, have investigated the feasibility of building two undersea tunnels between the two countries: a road connection, and a road-and-rail connection for passenger traffic between Helsingborg in Sweden and Helsingør in Denmark.
The joint study investigated the social, environmental, and economic factors involved in the proposal, and the authorities’ findings were presented to their respective governments today.
Peter Bernström, project leader for Trafikverket, said, ‘We’ve studied the physical construction challenges, and also the cost, finance, environmental impact and social benefits,’ and says he thinks that there would be numerous benefits to commuters, tourists and for freight.