VIDEO: Brazilian Navy Vessel Collides with Bridge

Photo: Video Still
Photo: Video Still

Tugboat Capsizes While Aiding Brazilian Navy Ship Accident


On October 18 a Brazilian Navy training vessel was departing a port on the Guayas River in Ecuador when it slowly collided with a nearby pedestrian bridge.

The Ecuadorian Navy reported that a tugboat was aiding the vessel, but due to the reportedly heavy current, the Brazilian White Navy Swan Cisne Branco dragged the tugboat which ultimately capsized.

No injuries or deaths have been reported and at this time, no damage has been reportedly done to the pedestrian bridge which connects the city of Guayaquil with Santay Island in Ecuador.

The Ecuadorian Navy is continuing to investigate what caused the accident to occur while clean up crew and help with divers from the Marine Corps are locating the wrecked tugboat.

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