Oil Spill In Gulf of Thailand Reaches Beaches

Pipeline Leak in Gulf of Thailand Causes Oil Spill
On January 25 a pipeline leak occurred in the Gulf of Thailand that allowed an estimated 50,000 liters (13,209 gallons) of oil over a two-day period leak out into the ocean until the lines owner, Star Petroleum Refining Public Company Limited (SPRC) and the Royal Thai Navy were able to bring it under control.
The spill itself occurred an approximate 20 km (12 miles) from shore however, the oil spread and reached the nearby coastal area of Mae Ramphueng beach located in Rayong province. By January 28th the oil spread across the sea an estimated 47 sq km (18 sq miles).
Clean up crews are in the area coordinated by SPRC and the Royal Thai Navy consisting of an estimated 300+ workers and Navy members on the beach itself for clean up and civilian and Navy ships in the ocean are sconducting the set up of oil boom barriers.
Rear Admiral Artorn Charapinyo, deputy commander of the first Naval Area command said, “We and the company are still working at sea to reduce the amount of oil by cornering the spill and sucking up the oil and spraying dispersant.”