Singapore reiterates role of ReCAAP and its effort to combat piracy

Island nation reaffirms anti-crime organisation’s role in combating piracy during ReCAAP’s 15th Anniversary Symposium.
Singapore, as one of the 20 contracting parties to the Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery (ReCAAP), has reaffirmed the organisation’s role in combatting piracy during a virtual symposium.
The 15th-anniversary symposium was held online because of the pandemic and recognised the achievements of ReCAPP over the last 15 years and restated the organisation’s commitment to tackling piracy and maritime crime in Asia.
In his welcoming address, Singaporean Minister for Transport, Ong Ye Kung, said: “Singapore is honoured to have played an active part in the ISC’s development over the years and will continue to work with the Contracting Parties of ReCAAP in giving the centre our strongest support”.
IMO Secretary-General, Kitack Lim delivered the keynote speech and said that the IMO remained supportive of ReCAAP and encouraged it to share its experience and achievements with other regions.
Chief Executive of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, Quah Ley Hoon, said: “ReCAAP has grown significantly in the last 15 years. Today, it is recognised as a successful model of strong inter-governmental co-operation against piracy and sea robbery through timely reporting, information sharing, and capacity building. Countries from beyond Asia have joined, adding to the depth of experiences and strengths of ReCAAP…”.