Gate Hours Extended at Los Angeles and Long Beach Ports

Congestion has Caused the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles to Adjust Hours
The Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles are listed as the two top leading container ports in the US given that both ports are responsible for moving close to 40% of cargo imports and at least 30% of container exports yearly.
As of late, both ports have been dealing with records highs in regards to log jams, an unprecedented amount of ships anchored out at sea that cannot come into port due to backlogs and a myriad of other issues which is causing concerns globally.
To help ease some of the pressure, the US Department of Transportation and both Los Angeles and Long Beach ports announced on September 17 that they have plans to extend their hours so containers can continue to be moved.
The Port of Los Angeles announced they will extend their gate hours during the weekend while the Port of Long Beach went a step further and has plans to offer services 24/7 with the extension into nighttime hours.
Port of Los Angeles Director Seroka stated, “These steps, in addition to what has previously been recommended, demonstrate that the Port of Los Angeles will continue to innovate in order to manage this historic cargo surge.”