Reach Subsea Moves Forward with USV Order

Photo by Chuma A/Unsplash
Photo by Chuma A/Unsplash

USVs Ordered by Reach Subsea


Reach Subsea, a Norway-based offshore service provider has ordered two of the first unmanned offshore surface vessels (USVs) in a series from Kongsberg Maritime, a technology company based in Norway.

The vessels are part of Reach Subsea’s—in collaboration with Massterly and Kongsberg Maritime—Reach Remote series and are expected to be delivered in 2023.

The USVs will function as communication modules, data centers, and power banks for remotely operated vessels (ROVs).

Reach Subsea CEO, Jostein Alendal, said, “Reach Remote will enable a 20% to 30% reduction in cost for clients and up to a 100% reduction in emissions compared to today’s large, manned control vessels.”

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